1. How to Prevent Power Outages and Surges on Your Computer
    A power surge can obliterate very quickly and worsen your PC’s condition, and there is no way out. Admittedly, not all the people know about the damage it can do to your system.

    By Zen Wang il 10 June 2020
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    A power surge can obliterate very quickly and worsen your PC’s condition, and there is no way out. Admittedly, not all the people know about the damage it can do to your system.

    On the other hand, power outages do not harm as much as surges and can be dealt with smoothly, but it is still better to take precautions and prevent your PC from any such damage.

    What a power outage is capable of doing to your computer?

    Let us take an example in context to this. Let’s suppose you are working on a very important office project, and you can’t afford to lose any of its content as it’s one of the most significant projects you’re working on. Suddenly, the power goes out, and now you know that you’ve lost your project work. It’ll be a great loss.

    The same goes for the system files. If, in any case, you were updating or making changes to your files and the power goes off, the files will corrupt, that means you’ve lost your files too. This is why Windows 10 keeps displaying alert messages, not to turn off y0our computer while updating files.

    What a power surge is capable of doing to your computer?

    Normally, you wait for the power to return and resume working or look for solutions to whatever files you’ve lost. This might not be a good idea when it’s a power surge as it is capable of doing a lot more than a power outage.

    A power surge can lead to complete shutting down of your PC, which might not work later due to overloading and hence, need to be replaced.

    How to prevent your PC from power outages and surges?

    There are two ways by which you can prevent your computer.

    Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

    UPS i.e. Uninterruptible Power Supply, refrains your computer from shutting down instantly when the power goes off. Instead, it works as a battery backup and supplies power to your PC for a short while.

    Setting up a UPS prevents your PC from shutting down, which means a power outage can not harm your system. Also, you get a little time to save whatever you’re working with and shut down your computer.

    UPS comes with a lot of models with different performing actions, which can vary in cost. You can go for whatever is best for you, as spending a little extra is way better than replacing the computer itself.

    Replace your computer with a Laptop

    A Laptop is the best option to prevent any power outages and surges as it comes with a battery and will not affect you even if the power goes off. Yes, you’ll have to invest once, but it will prevent any further damages due to power surges.

    PC’s also cause hard drive issues, while on the other hand, Laptops allow you to upgrade your hard drive whenever you need to.

    Ryan Smith is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Davis has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as office.com/setup.


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    Last Post by Zen Wang il 10 June 2020
  2. Essential Health and Fitness Products You Must Have
    The saying of “Health is Wealth” has been used for ages because that is something right without a doubt. Keeping your health sound should come on top of your priority list as that is where the rest of

    The saying of “Health is Wealth” has been used for ages because that is something right without a doubt. Keeping your health sound should come on top of your priority list as that is where the rest of your actions stem from. Regardless, you need to stay healthy, and that is possible without you spending a fortune in gym memberships. Especially with the lockdown in effect all over the world, staying in and exercising is probably the best option you have. And if you are worried about the equipment you might need, we have got you covered for that too. Here are a few types of equipment (weights, medicine balls, yoga mats, and much more) that are must-haves to achieve gym level workout while not stepping out.

    Fitness Products
    Weighted Arm Bands
    Although a small touch up to your work out accessories, having that little bit of extra weight will take you a long distance. Having an armband on regardless of the weight makes your exercise more effective many-fold.

    TRX Bands
    If a former Navy Seal develops it, you know it’s good. The TRX or Total Resistance Exercise bands are incredibly effective, as shown by many research. This equipment has it all; these bands improve your muscle build and also work on your posture and alignment. Apart from that, using it is extremely easy as well as you can get a lot of online tutorials about it too.

    Weighted Jump Rope
    Did you know one study found that just 10 minutes of jumping rope can be equivalent to a 30-minute jog? That is outright more than any other indoor exercise. Adding a little weight to it makes it that much more effective. The best part being that you can work on how much weight you will prefer, there is the perfect amount of weight for everybody.

    Resistance Bands
    These elastic bands are perfect for your home work out. Taking up next to no space in your house, these multi-purpose bands can help you get toned while assisting muscle growth, losing unnecessary fat and increasing strength. Resistance bands can replace dumbbells in various categories and are the perfect tool for a home.

    Balance Ball
    Probably the most iconic part of yoga, the medicine ball can help you in a variety of ways. The use of this equipment is not limited to any one form; it is a great tool for working on your posture as well as it can be used for stretching very well.

    Medicine Balls
    Being an all-rounder fitness tool, you can use this weighted ball for various purposes. Throwing it around gives you increased arm strength as well as lifting it can work as dumbbells and work on your muscle growth.

    The dumbbell is probably the most used gym equipment out there. Having a variety of weight range means there is one for everybody. Extremely helpful in a lot of ways for a workout, having a dumbbell in your house is a must.

    This multi-use weight is perfect for your in house work out as it does not take up space as much as a barbell but gives you ...

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    Last Post by lenoxtons20 il 10 June 2020